Où suivre l'investiture de Barack Obama à Paris
Par titir le mardi 20 janvier 2009, - Lien permanent
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parlerparis.com donne une liste d'adresses de lieux à Paris où l'investiture d'Obama sera retransmise... La cérémonie commencera à 17h, heure française. Je copie/colle la liste ci-dessous :
- The American Library
Tel: 01 53 59 12 60
10, rue du Général Camou, 75007
At the Library we'll be marking this historic moment with a special book display, a live broadcast of the inaugural address, and an evening discussion focused on the promise of change on the international stage. 5:30 p.m. Live broadcast of the swearing-in ceremonies and inaugural address. 7:30 p.m. Political analyst Thierry Leterre on ‘The 2008 election viewed from Europe: A world ballot?’ A Current Events Forum in cooperation with WICE.
- The American Church in Paris
65 Quai d'Orsay, 75007
The American Church in Paris will have an Inauguration Prayer Service at 7:30 p.m. It will be a 30 minute service featuring a gospel choir, followed by the viewing of the speech. Afterwards they will have a reception with music, snacks and wine. All are welcome. This is a free event.
- BIZZ’ ART (ex OPUS) OBAMA DAY “Yes, We Can!!”
OPUS 167 quai de Valmy, 75010
M° Louis Blanc
Tel: 01 40 34 70 00
From 6 p.m. to 2 a.m., free entry
Rebroadcast of Inauguration on a big screen, Expo-Sale of Obama clothing (silk screened by XULY BET) , Photo exhibition, and Concert of and soul music featuring several groups including Chicago musician Sean Haefeli.
- The Highlander
“THE Scottish Pub in Paris”
8 rue Nevers 75006, across from Pont Neuf.
Special American Inauguration 2009 Party, also sponsored by POLITICAL PUB, bar opens at 5:00 p.m.
- The Moose (Canadian Bar)
16, rue de Quatre Vents, 75006
Tel: 01 46 33 77 00
They have 11 big screens and at least one will be showing the Inauguration! Tuesdays are Ladies’ Nights AND it will be Happy Hour until 8 p.m.
- Breakfast in America
17, rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris, France
Métro: Cardinal LeMoine or Jussieu
Tel: 01 43 54 50 28
We will be tuning in live at 4 p.m. Paris time to see who Obama's guests will be before he gives his big acceptance speech! So come and join us for this historic event!
- Queenie and Queen
5, rue des Berri, 75008
and Queen
102, Avenue Champs Elysées, 75008
Get the party started at Le Queenie, starting at 8:00 p.m. Then move on to Queen, opening its doors at 10:00 p.m., with the Inauguration playing on the big screen and dancing until dawn. RSVP to obama.obamaparisinauguration.p@gmail.com so they know how many to expect. This is not a ticketed event, but Queen has a ?15 cover charge after midnight.
- Carr’s Irish Restaurant & Bar
1, rue du Mont Thabor, 75001
Watch the swearing-in and acceptance speech on CNN on large screens, with television coverage starting at 4.30 p.m.
- Joe Allen
30, Rue Pierre Lescot, 75001
Tel: 01 42 36 70 13
Watch the swearing-in and acceptance speech on CNN on large screens, with television coverage starting at 4.30 p.m.
et aussi sur CNN Live.
5 commentaires
Un grand moment que cette investiture, malheureusement, je n'étais pas sur paris mais je l'ai vu par le web sur msnbc.com avec des potes de Floride.... Vraiment impressionnant c'était la première fois que je suivait une cérémonie d'investiture avec autant d'attention....
Respect Barack !
La retransmission a d'ailleurs battu des records d'audience sur internet ! en particulier sur CNN/Facebook. La cérémonie était aussi retransmise dans les écoles américaines. Et ce fut la première cérémonie d'investiture que je suivais... c'est clair que les médias avaient fait beaucoup moins de bruit il y a 4 ans... bref, c'était un truc à voir (ou à revoir, j'ai mis les videos sous-titrées en français) mais on va maintenant attendre ses actions concrètes. Il vient de prendre la première, à savoir la fermeture de la prison de Guantanamo d'ici un an, attendons les autres...
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